Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Key Words

1) Screening the Male (Cohan and Rae Hark, 1993):
This will be a good text to use where relevant theories can be applied.

2) You Tarzan: Masculinity, Movies and Men (Kirkham and Thumim, 1993):
Another good text as my independent study deals with the reoresentation of

3) Patriarchy:
Male domination of the political, cultural and socioeconomic system. (The
film is from a male point of view throughout, with either one or two women
throughout the film, who are objectified.)

4) Low-budget Film:
A film made with limited funds, without th backing of a major production
company. (This reflects the institution of the film.)

5) Action code:
A narrative structure based on a dramatic sequence of events, often leading
to a violent resolution. (This is the narrative structure of The Football

6) Art House:
A cinematic production generated by aesthetic and cultural production values
rather than comercial considerations. (This reflects the genre of the film.)

7) Enigma Code:
A narrative structure that involves the creation of riddles or problems to be
solved by the resolution. (The audience are left withe repetitive enigma in the

8) Ethnography:
A form of research where the researcher attempts to understand a culture by
becoming part of it. (McIntyre does this when he joins the Chelsea

9) Iconography:
The distinguishing elements, in terms of props and visual details, which
characterises a genre. (Close attention to detail has ben payed to the clothing
of the characters, making the film seem more real.)

10) Realism:
A film and television style that attempts to represent the real world. (The
film achieves this.)


Blogger Dinni said...

u want to be my buddy as well.. ill put ur pik on my blog :)


10:47 PM  

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